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Translations & Proofreading

Dosłownie i obrazowo. Literally and figuratively. Literal e figurativamente. Littéralement et figurativement. Letteralmente e figurativamente.


Masz wszechstronne umiejętności? A może zwłaszcza językowe?..



Maecenas semper sapien sit amet tortor empor et vulputate diam hendrerit. Uliquam non purus. ac lacinia.

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Easy Customization

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Solid Framework

  • Usługi designerskie i reklamowe. Cennik dotyczy opracowań wizualnych: sens, kompozycja,...

Cload Syns Solutions

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Translations & Proofreading

1)      Translations & Proofreading

Since 2003 we have been providing our customers with high quality translations, both of general and specialized texts.

Our areas of specialization include: Law, Advertising & Marketing, Civil Engineering & Construction, Arts, Culture, Literature and many, many others...

Have you already translated your text but are unsure of the quality of your work? We can proofread it to identify and correct any possible mistakes and spelling errors as well as to provide your text with a little stylistic touch up.

Do you have a text to be translated or proofread? Ask us for the price!

2)      Foreign Language Teaching

Since 2003 our students have been enjoying the highest quality of our language courses. Regardless of whether you are a corporate or individual customer, we’ve got something for everyone! We teach both groups and individuals and, depending on your specific needs and requirements, your course can be focused on either general or specialized language.

Do you feel like learning a foreign language? Ask us for the price!

3)      Learn a Language Abroad

Haven’t you ever dreamt of combining a bit of relax and leisure with a solid dose of knowledge and studying? If you have, this part of our offer is tailored to your needs. With us you can polish the foreign language of your choice in the best language school in France, Italy, Portugal or Spain!

Are you looking for knowledge and fun? Ask us for the price!

4)      Advertising & Marketing

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Dosłownie i obrazowo. Literally and figuratively. Literal e figurativamente. Littéralement et figurativement. Letteralmente e figurativamente.